Services and Cost

Travel Fee - Cost per mile of travel is $.70 / mile, round trip. This covers gas mileage and travel time.

Private Session Rate - $80 for one hour session, $115 for 90 minute session

Evaluation Report and Written Training Plan - $80 (Optional add-on to Behavior Modification services. Sample report can be found in description below.)

Complimentary Phone Consult - Every potential client is encouraged to schedule a free phone call before booking a session.

In addition to the regular services offered below, we take requests for smaller, more specialized classes, controlled socialization sessions, and integration of a new dog into the household. Just ask - we’re flexible and strive to accommodate your needs!

  • Accepted forms of payment: Cash, Check, Credit Card, Venmo, PayPal


Basic Training

  • $80 / hour, or $115 / 1.5 hours

    • New Skills

    • Fine-tune previously learned skills

    • Manners

    • Examples: Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Place, Leash Manners, Calm Greetings


Behavior Modification (with option for a written report and training plan)

  • $80 / 1 hour

  • $115 / 1.5 hours

  • $80 for written evaluation with report and training plan (Click HERE for sample report)

It is recommended to book a 90 minute session for the initial behavioral intervention session. During this time, your dog will be evaluated, and our certified behavior consultant will work with you to develop a plan with realistic goals. You may also choose to receive a written report at an additional cost that includes: your dog’s history, detailed summary of observations during the session, prognostic factors, safety recommendations, intervention recommendations, instructions for implementation, overall impression, and secondary resources.

Behaviors that we work with include:

  • Reactivity

    • Barking, lunging, inability to focus on handler.

  • Fear of Strangers

  • Compulsive Behaviors

  • Resource Guarding

  • Phobias and panic disorders

  • Aggressive behaviors

    • We accept dogs with bite histories.

Day Training

  • $65 / hour (Up to 3 hours of training)

  • Click HERE for a sample of a day-training video

Too busy to train as often as you’d like? Let us take care of the foundational work, and you can build on the progress. Drop your dog off one-on-one training. Videos of training will be sent in real time.
Eligible dogs must be comfortable with strangers for any meaningful training to take place. 

Canine Good Citizenship Test:

  • $60 for test administration, plus fee to be paid directly to the AKC (ranges from $15 to $25)

Canine Good Citizen is a 10-skill test that assesses practical, functional behaviors that every dog should have to be welcomed in the community. The CGC award is a prerequisite for many therapy dog certification programs, and the certificate may also lower your insurance. It is recommended you book a private session, or enroll in the CGC class, before taking this test. 

Group Classes:

  • $175 for most of our 5 week courses. The exception is the Reactive Dog class ($250) which has a reduced class size and extra support. Classes run 45 minutes on average, and there will be homework sheets with instructions to help remember what was learned in class. Sign up on the registration page.

Puppy Essentials - $175 (Socialization and foundational work for pups between 2 and 6 months)

Adult Dog 101 - $175 (Manners training / proofing skills for real world success. For dogs over 6 months)

AKC Canine Good Citizen Class- $175 (If you are interested in pursuing a Canine Good Citizenship title, training a therapy dog, or simply want to prepare your dog for a more public setting, this class is for you! The final class will include the optional CGC test. Dogs must have a solid training foundation, and be able to stay calm in the presence of other dogs.

Social Saturday (Class A/ Butterfly) - $250 (This class will require instructor approval before enrolling and is limited to 4 dogs. This class is designed to help social dogs beyond 6 months of age continue to develop essential social skills in a safe and controlled environment. Participants will engage in various activities that encourage confidence-building through controlled play and interaction. Each session will include guided introductions to other dogs, supervised playtime, and exercises aimed at teaching appropriate social behaviors.)

Social Saturday (Class B / Bashful) - $250 (This class will require instructor approval before enrolling and is limited to 4 dogs. This class is designed to help friendly, yet reserved dogs beyond 6 months of age continue to develop essential social skills in a safe and controlled environment. While there are no guarantees that this group will be able to engage in off-leash play, that is the ultimate goal. We will engage in exercises aimed at teaching appropriate social behaviors and building confidence.)

Reactive Rehab Class - $250 (For dogs that overreact to various triggers. This class will require instructor approval before enrolling and is limited to 4 dogs. Dogs that have caused serious damage to another person or dog would not be eligible, but can sign up for private sessions. Please call or email us before signing up.

Junior Dog Trainers Class - $175 (For kids ages 7-12 and their friendly family dog. An adult must be present. We will teach kids how to care for their dogs, and how to train them ethically and effectively.)

Trick Dog Class- $175 (This class teaches up to 15 tricks, while providing mental enrichment, enhancement of balance and proprioception, and confidence building.)

Calm Canine Class- $175 (This 5 week specialty course is designed for friendly, social dogs over 6 months that have difficulty settling, or for dogs who need a new environment to practice impulse control.)